Forecast Reports

Access high-level reports of your forecasted revenue

The Forecast tool in Buildr provides you with a high-level overview of your forecasted revenue. The forecasts of all projects with a Start Date, End Date, and Contract Value will roll up into this overview. To begin, navigate to Insights: Forecast.

Important to note - there are 3 drop-down menus at the top of the forecasting tool:

  1. Actual vs. Weighted Revenue - Assuming all revenue is won vs. calculating revenue multiplied by your win probability.
  2. Revenue vs. Profit projections - Presents projections in total project revenue vs profit.
  3. Display Options - View monthly / quarterly / yearly summary columns.

When changed, these drop-downs will populate your forecast with accurate preconstruction financials based on the information in your projects.

Forecast Reports

Buildr has default, filterable reports for you to seamlessly view the datasets you're looking for.

  • All - all projects in your pipeline
  • In Construction - all active projects
  • Pursuits - all pursuit projects
  • Backlog - all upcoming projects
  • WIP - all won, active and upcoming projects
  • WIP + Pursuits - all pursuits, active, and upcoming projects
  • Pursuits + Backlog - all pursuits and upcoming projects

Note: Your WIP reports will use data from your project forecast billing periods to calculate remaining revenue and profit for each project.

To filter your reports further, simply click "Filters" and check-mark your desired filters (see below). Next, click "Apply," and your forecast view will update accordingly.

Additionally, you can modify the date range of your forecast view at the top of the page.

Export Forecast

To export your forecast report, navigate to the top-right of the page and click the More drop-down menu. Select "Export CSV."

Import Closed Billing Periods

Buildr also enables you to import closed periods into your won projects. You can utilize the Forecast importer to bulk edit existing closed periods, or log new closed periods in your projects. Learn how to import closed periods here.