Import Companies

Guide to importing companies into your Directory

Organizing Your Company Data

Download the Company CSV template here.

The only mandatory fields for the Company import are the Company Name and Company Category. We recommend populating as much information as possible, but if you only have the name and category of any given company, you will be able to proceed with the import.

The other fields are fairly straightforward, but there are a few rules to keep in mind so you don't run into any errors.

The "Company Category" field specifies the company's scope and relation to your company and the project. Buildr has six default company categories (Client, Design, Engineering, Finance, Trade Partner, and Other). These categories have system-configured roles. You can find this list by navigating to Settings > Directory Settings as shown below:

The Company Category and Company Role outlined in your CSV must match the pre-existing Categories and Roles in Buildr for the import to be successful. The importer will automatically identify errors and show you which rows require attention.

If you are looking to include the optional "Industries" field, you will need to create these before you import your Companies. For example, if you do a lot of commercial real estate work and want to specify "Multi-Family" as its own industry, you will need to add that in Directory Settings.

If you have any Custom Fields that you want to link to a Company, make sure the custom field exists in Buildr prior to your import. You can review your Custom Fields in Settings > Custom Fields > Company.

Once your Company sheet has its data properly formatted, proceed with your upload.

Importing Your Companies

On the Directory page, click "More" and select "Import CSV".

The upload modal will open. Drag and drop your CSV file or click "Select a File" to upload a file.

Once the file is uploaded, you can begin to map your fields. Here you will map the columns in your spreadsheet to the appropriate fields in Buildr.

Select the correct field to map to in Buildr in the drop-down menu if they were not preselected by the importer. If there is a column that you'd like to exclude, click the "trash can" icon on the right-hand side. Click "Next" to continue to review.

The Review & Finalize page will show you any errors you may have in your spreadsheet. In this example we have no errors, so we can click "Import," and our companies will populate in Buildr.

If errors occur, you can conveniently make the changes within the importer. If the error is a formatting issue, you can simply click "Fix Formatting Errors" and the importer will automatically update the data for you. Once the errors are resolved, click "Import."

To check the status of your import, go to Account Settings > Imports tab. Please note that Account Settings is only accessible to Admin users.

Once the import is complete, you will see your companies listed on the Directory page.

What’s Next

Now, we're ready to import our contacts.