Prime Contract

Record your prime contracts and change orders in Buildr

Document your prime contracts and subsequent change orders directly in your projects. Your team can effectively log change orders to reflect the most accurate and up-to-date contract value.

Create a Prime Contract

Once your project has been awarded, you will be prompted to create a prime contract.

Begin by selecting an Award Date and enter your Initial Contract Value and Estimated Cost at Completion.

Once your values are updated, click "Update."

Log Change Orders

To log a change order, navigate to the Prime Contract tab in your project and scroll down to Change Orders.

Click "New Change Order."

Enter the change order amount and approval date. Next, select the change order type and click "Create."

Once your change order is logged, your Current Contract Value will update accordingly.

Edit a Change Order

To edit a change order, navigate to the change order you wish to update and click the pencil icon (see below).

Delete a Change Order

To remove a logged change order, simply click the trash can icon on the item you wish to remove (see image above).