The company directory is your tool for viewing and managing all of the companies in your CRM. The Directory supports tracking all company types - Clients, Design, Engineering, Finance, Trade Partners, and more.

Directory Overview

Companies in your directory will be organized by category. To view companies in any category, simply select the category header (see below).

Within each company category list, you can toggle the company roles indicated on the left to filter your companies further.

Additionally, apply quick-filters to view assigned companies with active, open, won, or closed projects.

To view company details, contacts, and associated leads and projects, simply select the company of interest from the Directory list.

Create a Company

To create a new company in Buildr, navigate to the account Directory and select "New Company."

Enter the Company Name and select the Company Category from the drop-down menu. Next, select the relevant Company Roles.

Enter any additional company information and click "Create."

Import Companies

Alternatively, you can create companies via import. Learn how to import your data here.

Export Companies

To export a list of your companies, navigate to the Reports tool under Analytics.

Click "New Report" and name your report ("Companies"). Next, apply any filters to your companies, if relevant. Click "Create."

Once your report is created, select which columns you would like to include in your export.

When your report is ready to be exported, click the More drop-down menu. Next, you can choose to download your report as a CSV or PDF.

Project Directory

The project directory is your tool for tracking all project collaborators. To get started, navigate to any given project and select the Directory tab.

Here, you can add all companies and contacts who are assigned to the project.

Add Company

To add a new company to your project directory, click "Add Company."

Next, enter the Company Name and select the Company Role(s). Add any additional information under "Notes," if applicable. Click "Save."

Once your company is added to the project directory, you can proceed to add your primary contacts.

To begin, click "Add Contact." Select a contact from the drop-down list and click "Save."

Remove a Company

To remove a company from your project directory, simply click on the company and select "Remove Company (see below)."

Change the Project Owner

To change the project owner on the project, navigate to the project Directory and select the current owner company.

Next, click "Change Project Owner."

Select the new owner from the drop-down list and click "Save."

Manage Company Roles

To manage company roles across your project directories, navigate to Directory Settings in your account settings.

Here, you can toggle the company roles you will not be using in your project directories. Once a company role is disabled, it will not appear as an option when selecting company roles.