
Create a Milestone

Milestones represent a significant point in a project budget's lifecycle, and is commonly associated with a specific design phase (Schematic Design, Design Documents, Construction Documents, etc).

You can view milestones by navigating to "Milestones" in the sidebar:

Milestones are created from a point in the budget's history. To create a new milestone, navigate to the History tab and select an option:

From here, verify this is the correct snapshot of the budget by viewing the Budget in the navbar.

Next, click "New Milestone"

Select the budget phase and enter a date, description (if applicable), and include any relevant attachments. Click "Create" to create the milestone.

Export a Milestone

To export a milestone budget, select the desired milestone, and click "Export Budget."

The exported milestone can then be saved as a PDF.

Edit a Milestone

To edit an existing milestone, click More, and select "Edit."

Delete a Milestone

To delete a milestone, click More, and select "Delete."